The Leadership Benefits of Emotional Fluency 和 Vulnerability: ISACA’s 澳门赌场官方软件专属演讲系列

作者: ISACA现在
发表日期: 2023年12月6日

我们都是人, 和 we all have emotions at work—it’s learning how to accept 和 incorporate them into our work lives that’s key.

That’s what Wall Street Journal bestselling authors 莉兹·福斯林和莫莉·韦斯特·达菲 covered in their recent installment of ISACA’s 澳门赌场官方软件专属演讲系列. Fosslien 和 West Duffy are co-authors of the bestseller No Hard Feelings: The Secret Power of Embracing Emotion at Work 和 Big Feelings: How To Be Okay When Things Are Not Okay. 化石曾被TED, 《澳门赌场官方软件》, 纽约号 时间和 金融 Times, 和 West Duffy has been featured in 《澳门赌场官方下载》, 快速公司, 石英澳门赌场官方下载家. They recently shared their guide to “Emotional Fluency” as part of ISACA’s initiative to invite industry thought leaders, game-changers 和 ground-breakers to share in fruitful 和 inspiring conversations with members.

ISACA members in attendance enjoyed the authors’ expert insights on emotional fluency 和 selective vulnerability while earning 1 CPE credit. The takeaways from this conversation aimed to educate attendees about their emotional expression tendencies 和 about how they can create tools to help navigate emotional situations in the workplace.

Fosslien 和 West Duffy delved into the basics of acknowledging one’s emotions 和 how to evaluate if they should be shared in certain situations. 他们承认, 虽然脆弱性很重要, it is critical that leaders underst和 how to prioritize stability 和 psychological safety. The speakers encouraged attendees to remain aware of their emotional expression tendences to help them traverse a variety of situations at work.


  • the three main elements of emotional fluency;
  • 在对. emoters;
  • creating tools like “how to work with me” guides;
  • how to apply selective vulnerability to develop a supportive culture;
  • 和 how to successfully navigate common cultural misunderst和ings within teams.

在回应, community members commented on how appropriate amounts of emotion are an effective leadership skill, despite commonly held public perception to the contrary. Attendees highlighted the positive impact leaders can create by building safe spaces, 练习脆弱和感恩, 建立移情模型. Although fostering this environment can prove to be a challenge, emotional transparency between peers 和 supervisors creates trust 和 strengthens working relationships.

For additional insights into the exclusive conversation, the community’s commentary 和 feedback were compiled with the speakers’ key points in a shareable infographic, 可以在下面找到:


To participate in the next 澳门赌场官方软件专属演讲系列 event, 加入ISACA澳门赌场官方下载 今天和 提前报名 参加下次会议.

编者按: ISACA members can access full videos of recent 澳门赌场官方软件专属演讲系列 events 在这里.
