
Banerjee Arunava
作者: Banerjee Arunava, CISM, ISO 27001:2013 LI, ITIL v3, PRINCE2
发表日期: 二零二三年十一月二十一日

在今天这个高度互联的世界里, 数字技术如何塑造我们生活的方方面面, 网络威胁几乎是每个人都面临的障碍. 网络威胁继续变得越来越复杂, 对个人构成重大挑战, 组织和整个国家. 作为安全专业人员导航当前的网络威胁地平线, it is crucial to understand the emerging dangers and fortify digital defenses with cyber保险 to ensure a secure digital future.


勒索软件仍然是一种可怕的网络威胁,对各行各业造成了严重破坏. 最近备受瞩目的勒索软件攻击激增,凸显了不断升级的危险,1 犯罪分子以关键基础设施、医疗机构和大型澳门赌场官方下载为目标.

民族国家的网络行动也日益受到关注.2 国家支持的威胁行为者从事复杂且资金充足的网络间谍活动, 知识产权盗窃和针对关键基础设施的破坏性攻击. These attacks can have severe geopolitical implications and pose significant threats to national security.

除了, the proliferation of network-connected operational technology (OT) and Internet of Things (IoT) devices has introduced a multitude of vulnerabilities into connected environments. 设计不安全和配置不佳的OT设备是网络罪犯的诱人目标. 通过利用这些漏洞, 黑客可以破坏网络, 侵犯隐私, and launch large-scale 业务中断 resulting in significant losses in production and major physical loss of properties.

Supply chain attacks also have gained prominence as cybercriminals target trusted vendors and suppliers to gain unauthorized access to target networks. 攻破一个供应商可以为渗透众多组织提供途径. 管理供应链风险的聚合是大型组织面临的主要挑战.


随着网络威胁日益严重, 各种规模的澳门赌场官方下载都越来越认识到网络保险的必要性. Cyber保险 offers financial protection and support in the event of cyberattacks or data breaches. 据预测,到2040年, 网络风险转移市场的规模将与财产保险相当.3

然而,驾驭网络保险市场可能是复杂而艰巨的. Understanding the key considerations and making informed decisions are crucial to ensuring adequate coverage and effective 风险管理.

近年来,购买网络保险的人数显著增加.4 A number of organizations have changed their cyberstrategies and opted to buy cyber保险 to protect themselves from losses. 网络保险作为“无声网络”的概念发展起来5 财产保险等传统险种拒绝承保. Cyber保险 traditionally has been the mainstay of large financial institutions and technology enterprises, 但现在,公共部门和中小澳门赌场官方下载正在寻求获得保险.

不幸的是, the same factors that led to this rush to buy cyber保险 initiated a change in the dynamics of the market. 组织经常成为网络犯罪分子的目标,保险索赔数量也在增加. 网络损失代价高昂, which has resulted in the hardening of the cyber保险 market in recent years until the end of 2022.6 保险市场的硬化意味着从根本上减少了限制, 利率大幅上涨,保险范围狭窄,有许多限制和排除. 这种有限的兴趣是由于网络市场缺乏确定性.

网络保险不应被视为一个独立的解决方案, 而是作为全面风险管理策略的一部分. It is important to understand an organization’s 风险 profile and demonstrate adequate cyberresilience before trying to obtain cyber保险 coverage.

It is important to understand an organization’s 风险 profile and demonstrate adequate cyberresilience before trying to obtain cyber保险 coverage.


澳门赌场官方下载深入网络保险市场之前, 评估其独特的风险状况至关重要. Conducting a comprehensive 风险 assessment helps identify potential vulnerabilities and areas of exposure. 要考虑的因素包括业务的性质, 数据的敏感性, 安全措施到位,符合法规要求. Understanding their 风险 profiles guides organizations in selecting appropriate coverage and policy limits.


网络保险政策在覆盖范围、排除和限制方面可能有很大差异. 彻底了解正在考虑的政策的条款和条件是至关重要的.


  • 第一手的报道-赔偿组织所遭受的直接损失.g., 数据泄露响应成本, 业务中断, 数据恢复费用, 公共关系工作)
  • 第三方coverag电子保险涵盖受影响人士(例如.g.、诉讼费、监管罚款(如果法律规定可投保)、客户通知费用)
  • 附加保险选项-可能会延长因声誉受损而造成的损失, social engineering fraud or network extortion (options should be assessed based on specific needs)
  • 排除和限制-政策可能不包括所有潜在的情况. 重要的是要审查和清楚地了解一项政策包括什么和不包括什么.


Insurance providers may require policyholders to implement specific security measures and 风险 mitigation practices. 积极投资稳健的网络安全措施, 员工培训, incident response planning and regular 风险 assessments can help lower premiums and demonstrate an enterprise’s commitment to reducing 风险.

了解保险公司所关注的控制是非常重要的. 大多数大型保险公司在2023年最看重的关键控制措施如下(排名不分先后):

  • 端点检测和响应(EDR)
  • Adequate management of privileged accounts across the enterprise (including privileged service accounts)
  • 远程访问和特权访问的多因素身份验证(MFA)
  • 适当的分割,以保护皇冠珠宝和防止横向移动
  • 监视和响应能力(内部或外包)
  • 事件响应计划和定期测试
  • 紧急修补节奏
  • 勒索软件保护和适当测试的备份
  • 充分的用户意识和培训
  • 安全的基线配置和恶意代码保护
  • 对静态和传输中的数据进行适当的加密

网络保险公司寻找能够展示网络弹性的组织, 不仅仅是网络安全. Insurers understand that no organization can be 100% incident-proof and that most enterprises are trying to improve their cybermaturity. So, 对于组织来说,展示他们独特的网络成熟度之旅是很重要的, 不仅仅是现状. Providing details about known gaps with a timeline of planned future security programs is a better approach for an 保险 submission.

即使有适当的键控制, it is not always possible to secure adequate coverage for high-风险 industries that are frequently targeted by cybercriminals. These industry classifications vary from country to country and by the 保险 carrier’s appetite. The role of a good 保险 broker is to help a client to choose an appropriate carrier and decide on the limit of identity and policy coverage.


Choosing a reputable and reliable 保险 provider is critical to obtaining effective cyber保险 coverage. 在评估保险公司时,有几个因素需要考虑:

  • 专业知识和经验—Ideal providers have a solid track record in cyber保险 and a deep understanding of cyberthreats and how they have changed over time.
  • 财务实力—The financial stability and ratings of 保险 companies should be assessed to ensure that they can fulfill their obligations in the event of a claim.
  • 索赔处理流程-应审查索赔流程,包括响应时间, 支持服务和提供商在处理网络索赔方面的声誉.
  • 风险管理支持或违约前服务—Some 保险 providers offer 风险管理 services to help policyholders enhance their cybersecurity postures. 理想的供应商提供主动支持和指导,以降低风险. Pre-breach cyberservices encompass a range of proactive measures aimed at preventing cyberincidents and improving an organization's overall cybersecurity posture. Insurance companies now offer these services as a value-added proposition alongside traditional 保险 policies. 通过利用他们的专业知识和见解, 保险提供商与客户合作评估漏洞, 实施预防措施, 并建立健壮的事件响应协议.


网络威胁数量不断增加,恶意网络攻击者不断开发攻击方法, 因此,定期审查和更新网络保险范围至关重要. 澳门赌场官方下载必须随时了解新出现的威胁, 监管变化和行业最佳实践. Risk profiles should be reassessed and coverage evaluated periodically to ensure that they align with evolving needs. Open communication with 保险 providers is encouraged to ensure that any changes or concerns are addressed promptly.


随着组织努力应对日益频繁和复杂的网络攻击, 传统的保险范围可能无法提供足够的保障. 在这种情况下,可选择的风险转移解决方案,如使用强制前置7 是否正在成为管理和转移网络风险的关键工具. 通过利用专属解决方案, 澳门赌场官方下载可以增强网络弹性, 减少潜在的经济损失,更有效地驾驭网络保险. Captives help increase the attachment point for the 保险 market and act as a solution to cover gaps in the 保险 market’s capacity. 保险公司越来越鼓励在网络领域使用自保公司.8


日益增长的网络威胁对网络保险市场的影响是深远的. Insurers are challenged to adapt their policies and underwriting practices to keep pace with emerging 风险, while policyholders must carefully evaluate their coverage needs in light of more sophisticated threats. 网络事件对经济的影响越来越大, 不断扩大的威胁范围, 监管审查, 协作和风险缓解举措塑造了网络保险市场的动态. 澳门赌场官方下载这些挑战和机遇, the cyber保险 industry can play a vital role in helping organizations navigate complex cyberthreats and strengthen their systematic cyberresilience strategies.


1 乌鸦能源公司, Corvus风险洞察指数, 2023
2 国家网络安全中心,”国家联盟组织对西方关键国家基础设施的威胁加剧,”联合王国,2023年4月19日
3 纽曼,我.; E. Pocock; J. 大厅; Cy-Fi:网络(再)保险的未来, Gallagher Re,美国,2022
4 沼泽McLennan, 美国网络购物趋势2023年,美国
5 希尔,.; “《沉默的网络:你需要知道的,《世界经济论坛》,2021年2月1日
6 怡安。”买家友好网络和E&O市场:如何利用优势, 2023年5月
7 俘虏。”什么是预先安排?专属自保保险公司为何采用预先安排?
8 Airmic。”网络为何以及如何越来越多地被保险公司承保, 2022年8月1日

Banerjee Arunava, CISM, ISO 27001:2013 LI, ITIL v3, PRINCE2

是苏黎世弹性解决方案的网络风险咨询主管吗, 苏黎世保险公司的风险工程部. Banerjee负责领导英国的网络风险咨询公司, providing cyber风险 consulting to help clients improve their cyberresilience and navigate the cyber保险 market, 并为大型和复杂的网络风险来源提供承保. 他还是苏黎世全球风险工程网络技术中心的主席. Banerjee在网络战略方面拥有超过16年的经验, 风险管理, cyberadvising, cyber保险, 项目管理, 以及包括保险在内的各个行业的IT运营, 卫生保健, 公营部门, IT咨询. 班纳吉经常在网络上发表演讲, 风险, 保险, 以及Airmic会议等技术会议, ALARM会议, 苏格兰住房协会联合会(SFHA)年会, 英国特许公共财政与会计学会(CIPFA)会议, 一年一度的犯罪与网络安全大会, 和更多的.